NAVAL TEST DATA-X.DAT ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS 1234567890 GQMOCRJKHI OLFDINBQGK CRGMLFAPHE INSTRUCTIONS press any key to begin ------------ $There are three levels to this test, "with each level consisting of ten #questions. Answer the questions by #selecting your choice from a column #of nineteen possible answers. Once $you have finished, your answers will $be checked. If all are correct then you go on to the next level. Level = (Use and to move cursor up and down press when finished " questions are left unanswered. $Do you want to finish these? (Y/N): Do you want to exit the exam? (Use and to move cursor up and down press when finished C H E C K I N G ALL CORRECT INCORRECT Would you like to continue? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * C O N G R A D U L A T I O N S press any key for MENU Level Achieved after attempts SEEKSINK.COM